The Vision
The Wesley Center is a response to God’s summons to create a new kind of Church for the 21 st century through the gathering of university students as a covenant community. The Wesley Center is an effort by university students to develop a radical discipleship and a revolutionary movement based upon the life and example of Jesus Christ.
The Strategy
This summons is the “call” for student-residents, that alongside their academic studies, to develop a deeper discipleship by studying the Scriptures and experience God’s Spirit through conversation and “breaking bread” together by which new insights and individual gifts are discovered.
This summons entails developing a unique community, a distinctive “life together,” by which the students become the body of Christ, encouraging and empowering one another, and enabling each other to develop the capacities for empathy and solidarity with all persons and the Creation.
This summons is about the discernment of God’s invitation to be sent forth into the world as “ambassadors” to embody and proclaim, as individuals and as the covenant community, by word and deed, the Kingdom of God as exemplified by Jesus . . .such that the salvation of Christ and the redemption of the Creation may become a reality…